Hello people. I haven't been blogging for a while, sorry. But I just wanted to blog about wheelchair colours. I want your opinion on which colour would be nice for my next wheelchair. Here's the choice:

I personally like number 7 (which is called Acid Green). What would you pick?
Well.... not sure if I could live with the acid green, but I quite like numbers 4 (emerald green), 6 (merlot) and 11 (sunset). It will be interesting to see what you end up with. Love, mum.
Hi Christopher,
I like the colours for your new wheelchair as numbers 4 (emerald green) and number 12 (new blue).
Hope you don't get acid green! Catherine.
Hi Christopher, it's Annika here (home with chickenpox !!) I really like the colour you choose; will look very "cool"; if I was in a wheelchair as a girl I would choose acid green and purple (7 & 8)Oma likes no.7 as well and no.5 but maybe that's a bit "girlie" Did you have a nice holiday at the beach? We love you....Annika & Oma.
N.B. Opa suggests: HOT PINK !!!
Dear Christopher
I like # 11 as yellow is such a safe colour.
Well now...most diggers are like 11 but I actually think 10 would be cool.
Send me an email some time and ask your lazy boned sister to check hers
Love UB
Hi Christopher, could you have more than one colour on your wheelchair, just a thought.
no. 4 for me...but then it's your chair.
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