Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Story

Hello readers! I'm sorry I haven't been posting for a while, but I'm currently experimenting with writing a book. I don't know what the title is yet, but I've written Chapter One. I just wanted some feedback and advice. Here it is - I hope you enjoy it:


The electric Audi TT4 drove down Oxford Street, its blue reflection glinting in shop windows. The man driving it was named Harold Dexter and he had just bitten into a juicy ham sandwich. What he didn’t know was that this would be his last meal. Harold checked his watch and swore. He was late for work. He stepped on the accelerator, adjusted the rear view mirror and combed his jet-black hair. Five minutes later, the car pulled up to a large modern building with automatic glass doors. Above the main door a sign read “GM Incorporated”.

Upstairs, Harold settled himself in his comfy chair behind a polished wooden desk. On his desk were two computers and a phone. The rest of his office consisted of a sofa and a glass coffee table.
A blonde-haired woman came in and asked, “Good morning, Mr. Dexter. Would you like a coffee?”
Harold said dimly, “No thank you.”
The woman walked out of the office, frowning. Mr Dexter never said no to a nice hot coffee.

Meanwhile, in the car park, a cleaner walked past Harold’s car. He knelt and attached a very compact bomb underneath the car. Just then, Harold’s phone rang. He listened, then replaced the receiver and walked out of the office. He told his secretary he would be going out for lunch and walked to the car park. If Harold had looked down, he would have seen the compact blue bomb attached to his car. Instead he opened the driver’s seat door, got in, fastened his seat belt and pressed the starter button.

Then it happened. The car blew up with a deafening boom. By the time rescuers arrived, Harold Dexter was dead.