In my school work I had to read the book "Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady" and I had to shorten it and tell it in my own words, so here it is. It's not the best story in the world but it wins the "Christopher's Story for the Day Award" (just joking).
Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady
King Arthur was lost. He had been hunting for food. He had lost his companions and he was standing on the edge of a black lake. Just then he saw a black knight on his horse. The black knight rode forward to greet Arthur. He said, “If you can answer this question, you will stay king.” The question was, “what does a lady desire most?”
King Arthur was walking back to his castle, thinking about the question when suddenly he saw a lady sitting on a rock. He went over to her and asked her the question. At first, she didn’t answer, but then she turned her head to face him and King Arthur gasped. He saw that her face was covered with sores and her nose was long. She had a few strands of hair hanging from her scratched scalp. She had a surprisingly beautiful voice for one so loathly as she answered King Arthur’s question. She said “A woman’s desire is to have her own way”.
Then she said “Now I want something from you. King Arthur said “Yes my lady. Anything”
The lady said, “I wish for one of your knights for my husband.”
King Arthur hesitated and said “My lady that is impossible”
The loathly lady said, “A king always sticks to his word.”
King Arthur thought about it for a minute and then said, “Yes, I will come back with one of my knights”.
King Arthur came back with one of his best knights, Sir Gawain. The next morning Gawain and the lady were married.
Gawain found out why the lady was so ugly. She told him it was a spell. That night Gawain was with the lady when suddenly she turned into the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
She told Gawain that the spell was now half broken and asked him whether he would like her to be ugly at night or in the day. Gawain thought and said, “at day, my lady,” and then she said “I don’t want the people staring at me in the daytime.” Gawain was ashamed, so he said, “at night time.”
Then the lady said “Would you like to sleep with me as an ugly lady?” Then Gawain said “I cannot choose. You choose.”
She slung her beautiful arms around Gawain and said “You broke the spell. A girl must have what she most desires. In allowing me to choose for myself you broke the spell.”